M4K Pharma Blog & News
Our team of dedicated scientists is changing the way childhood diseases are treated. Learn more in our blog and news section about our latest research, open science initiatives, and collaborative efforts aimed at developing affordable treatments.
Study on New Drug Class Targeting ACVR1 Mutation for DIPG
Scientists at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, along with colleagues at the Structural Genomics Consortium in Oxford, have published their findings on a new drug class that can kill brain cancer cells with mutations in the ACVR1 gene and shrink tumours in mice.
Open Science Drug Discovery Model Expands to Neurodegeneration
Following in the path of M4K Pharma, M4ND will tackle neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, thanks to funding from the Krembil Foundation, and will commit to open science practises, open sharing of data, and affordable pricing.
For Innovation, Open Science Means Open for Business
Richard Gold (McGill University) and Max Morgan (SGC, M4k Pharma) penned an opinion piece in the Globe and Mail discussing how open science projects with no patents can result in local economic development, citing the recent $1Billion investment deal that Celgene signed with the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) and their commercialization arm FACIT to advance a potential drug for leukemia.
M4K’s Open Science Model
How can a company take advantage of regulatory exclusivity to launch an open science drug discovery program? Max Morgan et al explain in their paper.
Can Open Science Find a Solution for Rare Brain Cancers in Children?
OICR-funded drug discovery project’s unique ‘open science’ business model is accelerating the search for a solution to lethal pediatric brain cancers.
Reaction Biology Joins the Fight Against DIPG with M4K Pharma [News Release]
Reaction Biology Corporation (“RBC”), a leading contract research organization providing early stage drug discovery services, announced that it has partnered with M4K Pharma (“M4K”), an open science drug discovery and development company, in the fight against diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (or DIPG), a rare pediatric brain cancer with no curative therapies.
M4K’s Lemon Face Challenge for DIPG
Watch the M4K team in Toronto complete the #LemonFaceChallenge to spread DIPG awareness, along with the Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) and the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR).
Bio2040 interviews M4K Pharma’s Owen Roberts [Podcast]
In a podcast interview with Bio2040, CEO Owen Roberts discusses M4K Pharma’s business model and why open science and sharing can be the path to finding medicines for rare diseases like DIPG.